Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Bumper Crop of Blessings

It is my tradition to start every Thanksgiving day by making a lists of all the things I'm truly grateful for. Some years have been a little lean, but I've always managed to come up with a page or two. However, this year it seems I have a bumper crop of blessings.

It's hard to believe that just twelve months ago I had three people that I considered good friends, my family still didn't know that I had written so much as a Post-it note, the internet was something for homework and itunes, and Nora's story was in a three ring binder on Kate's bed.

If I had to name this year, I think it would be the year of the friend. It's hard to believe that in less than eight months I have amassed 1100 friends on facebook, 3300 followers on twitter, and 900 friends on Goodreads. These aren't just numbers or some marketing ploy. All of these people are unique, creative spirits that have enriched my life in more ways than I can count.

Bloggers have shown me a world of people whose passion for books outweighs anything I've ever seen. My friends on Twitter and Chirenjenzie have opened their hearts and accepted me as one of their own. And then there's Italia, Rick, Laura, Don, Jeremy, and countless others whose success reaches across so many areas they can't be contained to just one category. These are world-changers, people who are helping shape a new era in the realm of publishing, film, and music. I feel honored to know them, and I can't wait to see what this next year brings. 
As I sit here Thanksgiving morning, the dawn not yet on the horizon, I realize that, for the first time in my life, there are too many blessings to count. It's a humbling experience. I'm not sure what to do with it, and so I guess I'll just say thank you. Thank you for embracing the world of Kailmeyra, for your laughter and friendship, but most of all, thank you for sharing your life with me. You are the biggest blessing of all.


  1. Thank YOU enrich so many lives I am blessed to count you as one of my very best friends...and though I may never have seen your face, I have seen your spirit and it's beauty shines though in everything you do...every word you write and every smile you grace the world with!

    Love always, live much and smile often!

  2. I feel the same! You truly are one of my biggest blessings!
