With Mother's day just around the bend, I got to thinking. I don't know if there is an official book blogger appreciation day, and so I decided to create one. I degree that that fourth of May shall be decreed Book Blogger Appreciation day, in the year of our Lord, two-thousand and eleven.
All right, I'm still reeling from the endless coverage of Willie and Kate's nuptuals, but you get the point. I've read that one in five blogs on the internet is a site that discusses books. That's a lot of readers out there who are passionate enough about their stories to take the time to share their opinions with the rest of us. The reviewers I know agonize over every word, they take their role in this new publishing world very seriously, trying to give the reader an accurate feel for thier opinion of the book, all the while trying to be respectful of the work itself.
It takes dedication to run a successful site. And to top it all off, they get no pay for their time, no accolades, other than an occasional award or a thank you from an author. As an indie author, I think I have a greater appreciation of their dedication because I know they are taking a risk every time they pick up an indie book. I thank you for taking a risk and spending your precious time with me in Kailmeyra.
I hope I don't forget anyone, but here are some of my favorite bloggers. Take a moment to peruse their blogs, and I bet you'll love them too!
YA Bound
YA Addict
Blkosiner's Book Blog
Tracy Riva
Cry Havoc Reviews
Mystic Thoughts
Novels on the Run
Word on Paper
Larissa's Bookish Life
Book Lovers Inc.
A Tale of Many Reviews
The Book Pixie
So here's to all the book bloggers out there everywhere!
May the 4th be with you!
That is a wonderful idea! Book Blogger Appreciation Day!!! All the blogs you've listed here are amazing and the girls that run it are truly dedicated to their craft. Thank you so much Beth for the shout out, and making us feel loved =) <3