I recently won "Nine Rules to Break when Romancing a Rake" and decided to take a little time and read just for fun. Now, you have to understand that I've been firmly ensconsed in the YA world for so long, I haven't read anything really "steamy" in a while. All I have to say, is Oh Mylanta! If your going to read this one, you better be ready to blush! I think Carla, reviewed it best when she said "... Well, first off, can I just say, you are going to need flame retardent panties if you ever plan on reading this book, because normal panties just won't cut it."
I haven't read something so graphic in ... well, I'm not sure I've ever read anything quite like this one. Remember, my comfort zone is PG, and this was at least NC 17.
Don't get me wrong, the storyline is great, and I absolutley love the protagonist, Callie, who is described as plain and plump (my kind of girl! :-). The characters are well rounded, and the intimate scenes are tasteful, albeit graphic. I didn't view it as offensive or vulgar, just oh, my word ... so not what I'm used to reading!
The experience made me reflect on my reading habits. When I have the rare opportunity to read, I tend to go to the YA shelf, or revisit something I've enjoyed before. I'll be the first to admit that I'm a chronic re-reader, but this book made me think that I should step out of my comfort zone more often. :-)
What about you? Do you mainly stick with one genre, or do you read anything that crosses your path?
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