Monday, April 8, 2013

The Winds of Change

I've felt them coming for a while ... those pesky winds of change. Sometimes change is good, sometimes not, but one thing's for sure ... it can be scary.

My grandmother used to tell me all the time that life's about changing, nothing ever stays the same. Yet when I'm faced with change, I find myself a little on edge, and then I remember I'm not really in control. Takes the pressure off when you're not in the driver seat, know what I mean?

At any rate, the Kailmeyra Series now has new covers and is moving to Raven Key Press. To say I'm excited is an understatement. I'll be sure to post as soon as everything's live.

Because of the shift in publishers, The Heart of the Ancients has been pushed back to the fall of 2013. This year has just been nuts, and, combined with the move, has really eaten into writing time, but I promise, it'll be out soon!

More changes, mostly personal, are in the works right now. When the dust settles I'll be sure to let y'all know everything that's going on.

For now, I'm just hanging on, trying to relax and go with the flow, and I'll keep the faith that this time next year I'm going to be astounded at the changes in my life!

As always, I so appreciate you sharing this journey with me!

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