If you think their first day of kindergarten is tough, be afraid ... be very afraid. This is way bigger, and so I suggest you take along a buddy. Someone who is extremely uncomfortable with tears and would rather make you laugh than watch you cry. A good friend who is willing to sip Long Island Teas and talk about anything else but the fact that you've just left half your heart three states away.
It does get easier. Kate is having a great time, and somehow knowing that her adult life is starting out the way she wanted gives me comfort. In honor of elementary school starting back up, I thought I'd leave you with this.
went to
to study
and watch
Roll Tide!
Oh, I don't even want to think about that day :-/ When it comes, you have to promise to be there and talk me off the bringing-them-home ledge. Kate's gonna do fantastically! I know you're super proud even though it's tough, but you've raised an outstanding young woman who's about to leave her mark on the world :)