Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blog tour update

I didn't realize how much I'd love being on a blog tour. Seriously, I've enjoyed the whole process. Writing guests posts, joining new sites and stalking comments. It's all great fun, and I know I'll be sad at the end of the month when it's over. If you haven't had a chance to hop on the sites, I'll hyperlink them. All these bloggers are amazing, and I feel so blessed that they've taken time to shine a light on Nora's story!

I'll update this post as we go along. I believe we are giving away ebooks, so be sure to comment if you want one!

July the 22nd Guest post on Patricia's Particularity.  Today's the last day of the tour, and I'll be honest, I'm sad to see it go. For the past month I've gotten to meet new friends, see what their thoughts were on the book, and follow some great blogs. Where has July gone?! Thanks so much to the incredible bloggers who helped with the tour. I appreciate you more than you know!

July the 21st Twitter conversation with the characters. I'll admit, this one was a bit of a creative challenge for me!
July the 20th Review from the Reading Angel. 

 July the 19th Review from The Elliott Review.

July the 18th Guest post on top ten things on my bucket list. Ramblings of a teenage bookworm is a super cute site.

July the 15th Guest post on favorite books through the years. The Readiacs is a great site run by a group of bloggers. Love it!

July the 15th An interview with Gavin. I love the look of this site, and there are some really cool interviews and reviews.

July the 14th Review from Amaterasu Reads. This is a super-cute site, and Kai is a wonderful reviewer!

July the 12th Guest post on book covers. I love this blog. Honest, kind, caring ... take a look at her "about me" page and you'll see what I mean! One of the blessings of a blog tour is getting to meet new people, and the internet has made the world a much smaller place.
July the 11th Guest post with Nora  Nora sits in on an interview the Patricia. Take a look!

July the 8th Teenage garage sale guest post and Review. I must say the ladies over at Late Bloomer Online are my kind of people. I love their blog, and the garage sale post was such fun to write. If you haven't checked them out, you should!

July the 7th Multi-character interview. I'll tell ya', I had so much fun doing this one. I've never put characters in the room in my head and made them answer questions. Truly, a writers dream!

 July the 6th. Review of Asteria. Uber cute website with great reviews. Check it out!

July the 5th. Review of Asteria. Patricia’s blog is amazing, and I think she loves Harry Potter almost as much as I do (scroll down to the side and steal her Harry Potter widget!)

July the 4th. Alright, this is a little bit of a divergence from our tour, but I had to include it. Tracy Riva, an amazing editor and reviewer, asked for an interview a while back and it was slated for this month. We are giving away a signed soft cover and ebook, so feel free to leave a comment!

July the 4th! Happy independence everyone! Come celebrate it with me on Hopelessly Devoted Bibliphile’s blog with the top ten fictional places I’d like to visit. This was a really fun post  as I’ve always thought it would be incredible if we could jump in a book and physically go there. Again, comment if you’d like to win an ebook! What are your top ten places you’d like to see?

On July 1st, I was asked to do a guest post featured on  The Reading Angel.  This one posed a bit of a challenge. I didn’t know how little I do other than work and write. As of late, I’ve been consumed with finishing the second book. These questions made me think about taking a few weeks off after Keepers goes live in October. We’ll see … :- )

June 30th brought a fun interview with Nora on Amaterasu Reads. I’ll admit I had a great time allowing Nora to answer questions for herself.

On June 29th, Asteria had her first review of the tour on The Readiacs. If you’ve not joined this site, I strongly suggest you do!

On June 28th, I did a guest post featured on The Elliott Review about integrating writing and teaching.  I love this blog because it is from a fellow educator and a kindred spirit.

Our first stop: a wonderful blog from Christie called The Fiction Enthusiast. I really love doing interviews, and her this-or-that was such fun!

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